Tina E. Boyd, Business Owner of a Marketing Company, Author, The Ride of Your Life, Faith will Move you Forward, Speaker and Co-Founder of W+winGS. She earned her degree in Business Administration as well as her MBA in Marketing from Marymount University and has been married for 28 years to her college sweetheart, Lance. She is the mother of three children, Andrew, Brigette and Olivia.
For the majority of her career, Tina has been a business professional, but has always had a passion for helping people. Currently, she spends her days running her marketing and consulting business,
giving inspirational talks on her book, selling Christian Bling Jewelry with one of her daughters, journaling late night, cheering for her daughter’s volleyball team, and visiting her two college students. She loves organizing events that allow Jesus to become more of a visible presence in our world, whether it is organizing a Christian meditation class or introducing a new Christian book to her book club.
She loves her family time, Bible study, helping others and being involved in W+WinGS for her community. When she gets a moment for herself, she embraces the beauty of the outdoors. She plays golf, enjoys working out and skiing. She loves all types of music and her soul is fulfilled and joyful when listening or dancing to it. She feels the closeness of the Lord in all places, but truly appreciates His magnificence most while watching the sun set over the Gulf of Mexico.
Please visit her websites: www.thirdwheelcompany.com and www.tinaeboyd.com