Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever.
1 Peter 4:10 - 11
The W+winGs Story
W+winGs began when two mothers came together with hearts that wanted to serve. Co-founders Tina Boyd and Dedra Faine would come together to share tea in the morning after dropping off their kids at school and would use that time to pray. They discussed their aspirations, their faith walk and their hearts that yearned to serve. During one of their praying sessions, Tina showed up with an extra smile on her face and said that she had a bright idea. She started sharing her vision to create an organization where we would come together and give back to the community and use our gifts and talents as event planners to make it happen and Dedra was instantly on board. Thus, Women Walking In God’s Spirit (W+winGs) was born. As they moved forward, Tina was moved by an article that she read regarding a young baby who almost died due to the mom mixing too much water in the baby formula because of her lack of financial resources. After researching the article and getting more information regarding food banks and how they often lack baby food, the duo quickly leapt into action.
The initial goal was to create events to be a double blessing for the attendees. The first blessing was the opportunity of giving. Each attendee was asked to bring baby food and formula that was donated to local food banks. Next they invited speakers who focused on enhancing women’s lives spiritually, physically and mentally. Dedra and Tina put their hearts and souls into the events. Soon after, Beth Kirk became a part of W+winGs. W+winGs hosted larger events such as fashion shows for CASA Prince William County, Helping Haitian Angels, and others. Each Thanksgiving and Christmas, Beth led the efforts by finding families in the community. W+winGs hosted a breakfast where we asked all attendees to bring the ingredients, recipes, and cookware for each family so they could prepare their Thanksgiving meals at home. For Christmas at our annual tea, Beth gathered the wish list from families, and our guests brought gifts that were wrapped at the tea and delivered afterward.
In an effort to grow more in our community, W+winGs invited additional ladies into our fold in order to diversify our team and talents. This team of ladies became our first official Charter Board Members (Patricia Baltazar, Tina Boyd, Casey Downer, Dedra Faine, Beth Kirk, Lisa Miller, Mary Palma, Gail Pederson and Belinda Lee-Ross). We were excited to achieve our 501(c)3 status in 2014. We are now an official foundation and God is continuing to use us in many ways. Our goals have changed over the years, however, our hearts still yearn to serve.
We encourage all women to take the leap of faith to use your gifts and talents and serve your local communities as well as the world. God bless you all!